We are a full-service family law firm with experience litigating and negotiating complex divorces and domestic partnership dissolutions in the San Francisco Bay Area, including San Mateo, Alameda and Contra Costa counties.
We handle the whole range of family law matters, including:
Domestic partnership dissolution
Property division and separate property tracings
Spousal support
Child support
Custody, including move-away disputes
Paternity/Second parent rights
Premarital (prenup) and postmarital (postnup) agreements
Adoption and assisted reproduction
Our firm is comprised of elite educated lawyers with a strong record of courtroom success and negotiated settlements. We work with a wide variety of people, including private equity and venture capital partners, doctors and lawyers, entrepreneurs, homemakers, and salaried employees. Whether your needs include simple asset division or analysis of limited partnership interests, or a contested custody dispute, we develop strategies to meet your goals and provide an organized and thorough approach that achieves results.
Additional Information
- Company Name Moradi Saslaw LLP, Family Law Attorneys
- Company City San Francisco
- Company State California
- Company Country United States
- Company Profile https://www.linkedin.com/company/3192786
- Designation Attorney
- Company Email sadie@moradisaslaw.com
- Family Law